
Methods We Use






Our Values

  • Deliver quality advice that is well thought through and bespoke to each client.
  • Develop a strategic plan for each case and take the client on the journey with you.
  • Treat everyone with respect.
  • Acting with integrity and having the moral courage to make our actions consistent.
  • Continually seek opportunities for learning and growth.
  • Be innovative and embrace new ideas -adapt with change.

Needs We Serve

We are specialist Family Law Solicitors.


A divorce is an order by the court to legally end your marriage.

You can apply for a divorce in England and Wales after 12 months of marriage, issues may arise in respect of habitual residence and domicile. The law provides one basis for a divorce ‘that the marriage has broken down irretrievably’.

The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 introduced a ‘no fault divorce’ in England and Wales.

The Divorce Application can be issued on a ‘sole’ or ‘joint’ basis, if the respondent does not agree to the divorce there are very limited circumstances that a divorce can be defended/ contested.

The court provide a 20 week ‘cooling off period’ from the date the application is issued, to allow reflection. Once 20 weeks have passed you are able to apply for a Conditional Order. Six weeks and one day after the date of the Conditional Order, you can apply for a Final Order. The Final Order is the legal document that bring the marriage to an end.

The divorce process will usually take between 6 to 9 months, it make take longer if there are issues to resolve in terms of finances.

High Net Worth Divorce

We have expertise in High Net Worth divorce and complex financial assets.

Our recent cases include:

  • Acting for an ultra HNW individual of Swiss nationality, where we advised him on separation from his former partner and drafted a Separation Agreement.
  • Negotiating a divorce for a wealthy entrepreneur with business assets worth £70 million. The agreement was reached outside of court.
  • Advising a client in a divorce with international assets based in the UAE, the case also required knowledge of Sharia law.
Relationship Breakdown

We shall guide you through the process of separating from your partner.

If you have a property together we shall advise you as to your entitlement to such property, if an agreement cannot be reached out of court, then we may advise you to issue a claim under TOLATA (Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996).

If you have children, you may be able to bring a claim under Schedule 1 of The Children Act 1989 for maintenance, allowance, school fees etc. The ‘payer’ will need to earn over £156,000 gross pa.

Please click on the following calculator to assess what level of child maintenance you should receive or pay https://www.gov.uk/calculate-child-maintenance.

Financial Settlement

We will achieve a financial settlement that is fair and meets your needs.

Your divorce financial settlement is recorded in a Court Order, if you simply divorce in England and Wales and do not have a Court Order, claims can be brought against you in the future. There is no time limit for claims. The Court Order is binding and can be obtained by consent, negotiation through solicitors, mediation, collaborative process or via court proceedings.

The court will consider capital claims such as property, investments etc, maintenance, both child and spousal maintenance and pension claims.

We will robustly defend you against such claims or advise you on your entitlement. We are highly experienced in financial work and we work with the most skilled barristers in the country.

Domestic Abuse

We are very passionate about protecting individuals who have been the victim of domestic abuse. A common misconception is that the abuse you suffer should be physical. Abuse can be verbal, financial, emotional, psychological or physical.

We can protect you with a Non-Molestation Order or Occupation Order. We can typically help individuals who are not assisted by the Police, where bail conditions are ending, or impending violence.

No one should suffer abuse- no excuses and no one should be subjected to a false accusation.

Child Contact

Your child is our priority.

We are specialists in children matters and have experience in the most complex of cases. We are parents and understand how important your child’s welfare is to you. Our expertise range from International children disputes to everyday issues regarding contact. We can guide you through the process and have relationships with the most skilled barristers in the country.

We know matters concerning your children are close to your heart and we shall fight for your desired outcome.

Pre- Nupital Agreements/ Post- Nupital Agreements

We are experts in Nupital Agreements. A Pre-Nupital Agreement is a written agreement made by a couple who intend to get married. We can work with you to record a financial settlement if you were to sadly separate or divorce.

After your marriage you can enter into a Post Nuptial Agreement to also record your financial settlement if you were to divorce. The document can be used to reflect changes in your personal circumstances.

We would advise you to enter into a nupital agreement to protect inherited wealth, businesses, second marriage or to benefit existing children.

We can protect your financial assets with a nupital agreement.


We can recommend a highly skilled solicitor who has expertise in wills and probate claims.

About Roz

Roz is a conscientious Partner specialising in divorce, private children matters and nuptial agreements. Roz is unfailingly diligent and brings great energy to each case.                                                                                     

As a family law specialist, Roz would describe herself as fair but firm where needed. Her approach is not to antagonise a relationship breakdown but to guide a family through a separation. She has worked on high-profile complex financial cases, where she applied a robust hard-line approach and achieved fantastic divorce settlements for clients. In other cases clients have requested a softer more amicable approach, Roz will work with you to end your relationship in a respectful manner.

Specialist Family Law Solicitors in Buckinghamshire, London and Birmingham

Whether you’re initiating your divorce, looking to switch solicitors, or just starting to consider your options, having a highly experienced divorce and family lawyer can help make the process easier, stress-free, and more productive. 
At RWM Law, our family law specialists will advise you through each stage of your divorce and we have the experience and expertise to assist you with your chosen course of action. Regardless of where you’re based in the UK, whether that’s Birmingham, Buckinghamshire, or London, we guide our clients through the divorce process with empathy and care and the reassurance that they have the right team of divorce solicitors by their side.

Divorce and Family Law Experts

Going through a divorce can be a stressful experience for all parties concerned. We understand that every divorce comes with its own specific circumstance and requirements. That’s why we work closely with our clients to advise you on the most cost-effective and efficient way to proceed with your divorce.
We also know that finding the right divorce solicitor can be a difficult job, therefore why not arrange a no-obligation consultation with the team in Birmingham today to discuss your particular requirements. 
At RWM Law, we’re here to guide you through what is often a very difficult time, and you can rely on us to provide all the expert advice and support that you’ll need. So don’t delay, contact the team of family law court solicitors at RWM Law today – we’re here to help. 



What our clients are saying

“I was referred to Roz by one of her colleagues working in Criminal Law. Since our initial engagement, the level of service which she has given has been nothing but exceptional. She has had to deal with a tricky case interlinking with a number of other areas of law and has supported me throughout the whole process which has been both mentally but emotionally very tough. Roz, has a fantastic pool of knowledge within family law, accompanied by her great connections with barristers makes her an outstanding lawyer in this field. I would have no hesitation using her services again and would recommend her to any future clients who might require her services and level of experience”.


“I contacted Roz during the most challenging and distressing time of my life and was immediately put at ease with her professional and compassionate manner. I instantly felt like I was in capable hands and she offered practical legal advice, as well as treating me with respect and empathy, during our first telephone conversation that helped me gain some control over my life that was paramount to the welfare of myself and my young son. My divorce has not been an easy process for me emotionally or practically but I have had faith and trust in Roz and her guidance and knowledge throughout and know that without this the situation would have been a lot tougher to deal with. Roz’s willingness to listen and her passion for the job, as well as her sensitivity towards me as her client was so important to me during this difficult time and I would not hesitate to recommend her and gunnercooke to anybody.’

Mrs A

“In a very difficult and painful time I was supported  throughout my separation by Roz. In a very confusing experience I always felt I was in control of decisions, always felt listened to and never felt pushed towards a specific outcome, only the outcome that was right for me. I always felt like I had the space and clear legal foundations to navigate my way though the sad journey of divorce.

I would whole heartly recommend Roz Lidder. She managed to be warm and empathetic while always remaining professional throughout the process, Thank you Roz for everything.”


I contacted Roz during the most challenging and distressing time of my life and was immediately put at ease with her professional and compassionate manner. I instantly felt like I was in capable hands and she offered practical legal advice, as well as treating me with respect and empathy, during our first telephone conversation that helped me gain some control in my life that was paramount to the welfare of myself and my young son.

My divorce has not been an easy process for me emotionally or practically, but I have had faith and trust in Roz and her guidance and knowledge throughout and know that without this the situation would have been a lot tougher to deal with. Roz’s willingness to listen and her passion for her job, as well as her sensitivity towards me as her client was so important to me during this difficult time and I would not hesitate to recommend her and GunnerCooke to anybody.




I was referred to Roz by one of her colleagues working in Criminal Law. Since our initial engagement, the level of service which she has given has been nothing but exceptional. She has had to deal with a tricky case interlinking with a number other areas of law and has supported me throughout the whole process which has been both mentally but emotionally very tough.

Roz has a fantastic pool of knowledge within family law, accompanied by her great connections with barristers makes her an outstanding lawyer in this field. I would have no hesitation using her services again and would recommended her to any future clients who might require her services and level of experience.